Sept. 25 [1919]
Colonel Lawrence accompanied by another fellow campaigner also a colonel, called at the apartment. Lawrence said that he had seen General Allenby and Allenby made some reference to the letter written by the Bishop. Allenby said he didn't care whether Tommy mentions it in his lecture or not. He simply answered the Bishop because he didn't want any tea — toltlers on his trail.
Colonel Lawrence said that he had eight proposals of marriage by the morning's mail.
Lawrence seems to like us. For the past three mornings he has come over at nine o'clock. He has a cup of coffee and sits and talks about Arabia and his Arabs until noon. Tommy is getting some material for another Asia article ready.
Colonel Lawrence says that he get[s?] up about nine, and at ten he begins to write and stays with it until about three in the afternoon when he has something to eat. He then goes for a walk and stays out until eight at night and then has something else to eat. He then goes back to his writing and stays with it until early morning. His habits are as queer and as unusual as he is.
Lawrence has been to the show twice. Each time he just slipped in. He seemed delighted with the article in Asia, about himself.
Tommy has been working on the magazine proposition for over here. He wants to put out “Asia”, as a purely British magazine.
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